African Women’s Day

#African Women’s Day, 31 July

#Today, MRF celebrates Asli Hassan Abade from Somalia who was the First Female African pilot #LegendaryAfricanWomen #LegendaryBlackWomen #AfricasWomensDay

#MRF is NGO-led Women

31 July is Pan African Women’s Day and 2019 marked the 57th anniversary of the Pan-African Women’s Organization (PAWO), the Specialised Agency of the AU dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment

In his statement to commemorate the day, the AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat noted amongst other things the import of the day pointing out that Pan African Women’s Day is a day to celebrate and acknowledge the Foremothers of Africa who gallantly fought for the liberation and development of this continent. He also reiterated the important role of African women who continue to be the backbone of our economies as farmers, entrepreneurs, traders, scientists and leaders in many other sectors.


#Legenda of African women

#Legend of Black women


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